Bond 2024 Key Projects

The Aug. 6 bond proposal would provide improvements across the district to improve aging buildings and sites and enhance educational learning environments. Below are a few key projects that the bond would fund.

HVAC, Safety & Security

Upgrades would include: Adding cooling throughout the district and replacing doors, sidelites, and the PA system to increase security.

Adding cooling would reduce disruptions to learning:

    • Without cooling, CMPS has to cancel school in the afternoons on occasion in the hotter months due to excessive heat
    • Extreme heat also impacts student focus and disrupts learning 

The bond would improve safety & security:

    • Improving air quality would remove pollutants for student and staff well-being
    • Doors and sidelites would be replaced with more secure entrances 
    • A new PA and clock system would allow for better communication throughout school buildings


A new auditorium would be constructed on the East side of CMMHS. This space would have the following benefits:

An auditorium would enhance student learning opportunities: 

    • Academic and artistic development: The auditorium would provide a space for students to better exercise communication, creativity, and presentation skills
    • Multi-program support: The space would be available for a variety of student programming such as performing and musical arts, full-school assemblies, team banquets, parent meetings, teacher professional development, and classroom learning opportunities

The auditorium would have community-wide reach:

    • Community use: The space would be available for community members and would provide a hub for community gatherings
    • Staying in Stanton: Programs would no longer have to travel to Greenville

The auditorium would be built sooner than originally planned:

  • The 2024 proposal was revised so that the auditorium would be built and used by the community sooner

Outdoor Athletic Support Facilities

The current facilities are presenting challenges:

  • There are few public restrooms, guests rely on portable toilets
  • Press box wood is rotting down to the foundation
  • Team rooms have insufficient space and are showing wear and tear

The bond would provide improved facilities:

  • Public restrooms, new team room, new press box, concession renovations, and fencing

New Art Room at CMMHS

A new art room would increase accessibility:

  • By relocating our art space, we can ensure that the infrastructure is in place to better support students of all abilities

A new space would enhance opportunities for more effective student hands-on learning.

  • The space would include: modernized learning equipment, tailored space for current teaching and learning practices, natural light, sufficient storage, and increased access to electrical power