Special Education
Special Ed Guidelines
Central Montcalm Public School has established guidelines for determining eligibility for Specific Learning disabilities utilizing an underachievement insufficient response to scientific research-based intervention RtI and/or a pattern of strengths and weakness (PSW) model. Each school’s decision-making procedure is based on the district’s policies, status of RtI implementation, staff training, specific areas of concern, length of time the child has attended district programming, and grade level interventions.
Procedures for the determination of Specific Learning Disability
Parent Advisory Committee for Special Ed
The purpose of the Parent Advisory Committee is to represent the views of parents who have children with disabilities in special education. In Montcalm County, each of our local school districts is encouraged to appoint a PAC representative. Montcalm County Parent Advisory Committee members often serve as an information source for other parents in their community. Monthly business meetings of the MAISD PAC include informational presentations on issues identified by the members.
What we do:
- Attend and participate in monthly meetings
- Cooperate in the development and review of the Montcalm Area Intermediate School District Special Education Plan
- Provide families opportunities to be informed of special education processes
- Encourage effective partnerships between families and schools
- Disseminate information about our group and current issues in special education
- Host the annual ‘Make a Difference’ Awards Ceremony
How does a parent become a PAC member?
All parent representatives must have a child with an IEP who is currently receiving special education services in a district program. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact your local school district PAC representative or school administrator. A PAC representative must be appointed by their local district school board and then by the MAISD Board of Education. Any parent of a child with an IEP is welcome to attend any PAC meeting or event.